Tag Archive | "kolea"


Kolea book author Susan Scott presentation at the Lyman Museum Monday (Sept 25)

Also back by popular demand to the Lyman Museum, Hawai‘i’s esteemed naturalist Susan Scott discusses and illustrates Kōlea, Pacific Golden-Plovers (Pluvialis fulva), in her 2016 book (coauthored with plover expert Oscar W. Johnson), Hawai‘i’s Kōlea: The Amazing Transpacific Life of the Pacific Golden-Plover.

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DHS schedules maintenance on KOLEA (Jan. 15-19)

MEDIA RELEASE The Department of Human Services (DHS) Med-QUEST Division (MQD) eligibility system, KOLEA, will be down for maintenance from 5 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 15 through noon Monday, Jan. 19. The scheduled system enhancements include changes to both the client and worker portals. They will improve program integrity and help eligible individuals obtain and maintain […]

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