Hawaii 24/7 is a news site, focused on the Big Island.
We are an independent news provider covering Hawaii utilizing the internet to deliver content as quickly as possible. Our mission is to improve the quality of life, encourage civic participation and promote a healthy democracy through an informed citizenry and healthy communities through social discourse. To be fair, frank and honest with people on all subjects and under whatever pressure.
We’re embracing the noble calling at the root of community journalism. We’re more new ‘medium’ than new ‘media’ as we still do our job in the time honored tradition of journalism but we are presenting it via the medium of the Internet. If we hear about something we want to be the first to tell you about it.
We welcome all submissions. We reserve the right to edit submissions, but mostly we want you to send us stuff and we’ll share it. We still are working on guidelines, policies and regulations, and we’ll keep you updated as we go along.
This time it really is all about you. Hawaii 24/7 is about your community, for your community, and we’ll need your help as readers, contributors, donors and advertisers if this is be successful.
We welcome you to join in – call, e-mail, text message, Twitter, just get your news to us. We promise we’ll pay attention (and that’s pretty much all we’ll ever promise).
We can’t wait to find out what Hawaii 24/7 will grow up to be!
Baron Sekiya, Founder/Publisher baron@hawaii247.com
Karin Stanton, Editor karin@hawaii247.com
We also have a number of contributors whose work appears on Hawaii 24/7 and you can contact our contributors directly via the credit links next to their work.