Tag Archive | "cornell university"


HI-SEAS to study human performance for long-duration space exploration

MEDIA RELEASE NASA has awarded $1.2 million to the Hawai‘i Space Exploration Analog and Simulation (HI-SEAS) program to continue its work studying the human factors that contribute to astronaut crew function and performance during long-duration space travels, such as those anticipated for a manned mission to Mars. The new contract award builds upon an ongoing […]

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Cornell University engineering scholarships available

Cornell University engineering scholarships available

MEDIA RELEASE The Kohala Center invites high school students to apply for scholarships to summer engineering programs at Cornell University. Scholarship applications are due Friday, Feb. 25, for the Cornell CATALYST and CURIE academies’ summer residential engineering programs hosted by the Diversity Programs in Engineering at Cornell. The CATALYST Academyis a one-week residential engineering program […]

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Big Isle trio awarded BELL Rhode Island scholarships

Big Isle trio awarded BELL Rhode Island scholarships

MEDIA RELEASE The Kohala Center congratulates its three 2010 summer scholars — Megan Saks, Alyssa Evans, and Roya Sabri. Saks and Evans will travel to Narragansett, R.I. to participate in the BELL (Brown Environmental Leadership Lab) Sustainable Development Program. For the past several years, The Kohala Center has partnered with Brown University to send motivated […]

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Silo House earns praise, Hawaii students earn a bow at 2009 Solar Decathlon on the National Mall

Hawaii students at Cornell compete in solar contest

Silo House earns praise, Hawaii students earn a bow at 2009 Solar Decathlon on the National Mall

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Cornell grad student embarks on three-year study of West Hawaii coral reefs and the diseases that afflict them

Student Voices: From King Ferry to Kona corals

Cornell grad student embarks on three-year study of West Hawaii coral reefs and the diseases that afflict them

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