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Parker School receives six-year accreditation


Parker School has secured a six-year accreditation term from Western Association of Colleges and Schools in conjunction with Hawaii Association of Independent Schools.

This is the longest term the accrediting body awards and Parker School’s second since its original accreditation in 2005.

Accreditation is important in certifying to the public that the school is a trustworthy institution of learning and it validates the integrity of Parker School’s program and student transcripts.

During the 2009-2010 school year the Parker School ohana prepared its Self-study which is the foundation of the process. The second essential element is a site visit by the Visiting Committee.

The group spent three days visiting the campus and examined every aspect of the school’s program and operations to determine the school’s effectiveness in fulfilling its stated mission.

They also spoke with members of all constituent groups. After this evaluation, the visiting team presented its final recommendation report to WASC.

The Visiting Committee Report included the following Major Commendations:

* The board and the administration for their ongoing commitment to financial aid, in keeping with the vision of the school’s founders, thus helping to insure accessibility to an economically diverse student body.

* The Headmaster for providing exemplary leadership to the school. He is quietly acknowledged throughout the school as the key figure in the school’s remarkable growth and development over the last several years.

* The students for living the values of the school, demonstrating friendly behavior and taking initiative to improve their school and community.

* The highly dedicated faculty for delivering a wide array of curricular offerings that balance academics, arts and athletics.

Additional commendations included:

* The board, administration, faculty and staff for their clear commitment to serve the needs of students and families in Waimea by having a high quality college-preparatory school for families in a small school setting.

* The board for its effective governance, commitment to the mission of Parker School and care and planning for the school’s future.

* The Advancement Director for her leadership in promoting a professional and high quality atmosphere and her staff for coordinating and planning successful events.

* The admissions office for not compromising the school’s standards, even in tough economic conditions.

* The assistant school head for providing successful college counseling services despite limited time and resources.

* The administration, teachers, staff and PTSO for its foresight in generating alumni and community interest through a recently created Facebook page on the Parker School website.

* The lower school faculty for addressing initiatives which encourage and teach students to be responsible for their own learning and behavior. The adoption of “Conscious Discipline” and the curricular focus on student reflection work together to provide the groundwork for personal integrity.

Parker School’s accreditation will expire June 30, 2017.

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