Tag Archive | "smarter balanced"


Parents informed of higher learning expectations for students

MEDIA RELEASE Public school students have been given a letter to take home to their parents as a reminder of the upcoming spring assessments for English language arts and math. The new assessments, known as Smarter Balanced, are aligned to the Hawaii Common Core standards implemented statewide at the start of the school year. The […]

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Educator, public input sought on student assessments

MEDIA RELEASE The state Department of Education is seeking educators, parents, business and community leaders to review test questions aligned to the Hawaii Common Core standards and help recommend achievement levels for grade-level proficiency. Beginning spring 2015, public school students in grades 3-8 and 11 will take new Smarter Balanced assessments in English language arts […]

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Pilot test of next-generation student assessments

MEDIA RELEASE Dozens of Hawaii public schools will be piloting a new online assessment aimed at providing a window into whether students are on track to graduate high school, be ready for college and the workplace. As many as 75 DOE schools have been selected to participate in the pilot of the Smarter Balanced assessment […]

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