Tag Archive | "sharon vitousek"


Kona community forums on health care (Sept. 17 & Oct. 15)

MEDIA RELEASE If you are interested in health care in West Hawaii or want to learn more about the Affordable Care Act, two upcoming community forums are designed to answer your questions. Community Enterprises hosts a two-part program on health care in West Hawaii 6-8 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 17 and 5:30-8 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 15 […]

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HIBC achieves health care improvements

MEDIA RELEASE Three years after entering into a $16.1 million cooperative agreement with the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC), the Hawaii Island Beacon Community reports significant achievements in the use of innovative technology to improve the quality of patient care in Hawaii County. As one of the most rural and […]

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Critical action needed to address health services

Critical action needed to address health services

MEDIA RELEASE The critical importance of improving the availability of healthcare services in Hawaii County – now and in the future – was brought home to state legislators at a recent discussion of health problems, solutions and policy priorities for 2012 sponsored by the Hawaii Island Healthcare Alliance. “Poor access to care just because you […]

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County conference on drunken driving (Nov. 24)

County conference on drunken driving (Nov. 24)

MEDIA RELEASE With the arrival of the holiday season, there’s a renewed awareness of driver safety on our roads and highways. While alcohol and celebrations may often go together, alcohol and driving too often results in terrible tragedy. The county is holding a media conference to discuss anti-drunken driving measures being taken to prevent needless […]

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