Tag Archive | "rick gaffney"


Pacific Boats & Yachts supports PVS worldwide voyage

MEDIA RELEASE In a measure of support for the mission and crew of the vessels Hokulea and Hikianalia, as they set out on the Polynesian Voyaging Society’s (PVS) remarkable voyage around the world, Pacific Boats & Yachts has made two unique sponsorship contributions. The first was helping to secure the 50-foot sailing catamaran Noa Noa […]

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Pacific Boats & Yachts welcomes Britton

MEDIA RELEASE Captain Tom Britton brings a wealth of experience to his new position, including owning a yacht dealership in Washington for 10 years, selling Catalina Sailboats, Monk Trawlers, and a wide variety of used sail and powerboats. “We are excited to be adding a broker with Tom’s experience and knowledge especially with Catalina Yachts, […]

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Pacific Boats & Yachts represents RIB manufacturer

MEDIA RELEASE The popularity of Rigid Inflatable Boats (RIBs) in Hawaii’s ocean recreation tourism industry led Pacific Boats & Yachts (PBY) on an exhaustive search for a company that could deliver custom built boats rugged enough to live up to the rigors of daily professional use in Hawaiian waters. “We wanted to find a manufacturer […]

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Humpback Whale off the Kona Coast. Photo by Baron Sekiya | Hawaii 24/7

Marine sanctuary appoints new advisory council members

MEDIA RELEASE Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary announced eight primary and six alternate non-governmental members to serve on its sanctuary advisory council. The new appointees bring a valuable range of experience to the council, which provides sanctuary managers with input and recommendations on sanctuary programs and management. Serving in a volunteer capacity, the […]

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Pacific Boats and Yachts tops previous record growth

Pacific Boats and Yachts tops previous record growth

MEDIA RELEASE Pacific Boats and Yachts, LLC enjoyed record-breaking growth last year, garnering yet another Hawaii’s Fastest 50 Award this week, from Pacific Business News and First Hawaiian Bank. Rick Gaffney, the firm’s owner and managing broker, said PBY has been named one of Hawaii’s 50 fastest growing companies seven times since 2000 but the […]

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Gaffney testimony on proposed DLNR changes

Gaffney testimony on proposed DLNR changes

Rick Gaffney, Hawaii Fishing and Boating Association president, shared the following statement at the Thursday, Feb. 24 public hearing in Kona: My name is Rick Gaffney and I am testifying tonight on behalf of the Hawaii Fishing and Boating Association. While we will be submitting more detailed testimony in writing, there were several things we […]

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Gaffney: Hawaii’s boating tea party?

Gaffney: Hawaii’s boating tea party?

(Reader Opinions Disclaimer: This column allows members of the community to share their opinions and views, which do not necessarily reflect those of Hawaii 24/7, its staff, sponsors or anyone other than the writer. Hawaii 24/7 reserves the right to refuse any column deemed to be misinformation, of an unethical nature, a personal attack, or […]

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