Tag Archive | "meals on wheels"

Mayor Billy Kenoi delivers a hot lunch to Mrs. Toshie Shimose on Thursday with Carla Carpenter-Kabalis, Meals on Wheels Supervisor for Hawai‘i County.

Hawai‘i County Mayor Billy Kenoi joined mayors across the country Thursday when he delivered a hot lunch to Mrs. Toshie Shimose in Hilo, as part of the national Mayors for Meals campaign during the month of March.

Mayor delivers for Meals on Wheels

Mayor Billy Kenoi delivers a hot lunch to Mrs. Toshie Shimose on Thursday with Carla Carpenter-Kabalis, Meals on Wheels Supervisor for Hawai‘i County. Hawai‘i County Mayor Billy Kenoi joined mayors across the country Thursday when he delivered a hot lunch to Mrs. Toshie Shimose in Hilo, as part of the national Mayors for Meals campaign […]

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