Tag Archive | "linda allen"

VASH supporters turn to innovative fundraising sites

VASH supporters turn to innovative fundraising sites

MEDIA RELEASE VASH supporters are revolutionizing charitable giving – turning their every day actions into ways to help visitors who encounter unfortunate situations while visiting Hawaii Island. How? By using www.GoodSearch.com and www.GoodShop.com Good Shop works with more than 3,000 top online retailers including Toys “R” Us, Target, BestBuy, Apple, Macy’s, 1-800-Flowers, PetSmart, and Expedia. […]

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VASH stable despite lower visitor numbers

MEDIA RELEASE VASH Hawaii Island serves visitors who experience some kind of misfortune during their stay on the Big Island. Because those services are funded primarily by the Transient Occupancy Tax through the Hawaii Tourism Authority, and because visitor numbers are down, VASH anticipated a budget cut for 2009.   And while that cut did […]

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