Tag Archive | "kapohokine adventures"


KapohoKine Adventures donates 50 backpacks

MEDIA RELEASE KapohoKine Adventures donated 50 new Patagonia backpacks to HOPE Services Hawaii as part of an annual back-to-school campaign to provide school packs to Hawaii Island children living in homeless and domestic violence shelters or transitional housing facilities. The backpack drive, spearheaded by HOPE Services and the Hawaii Police Department, is in its sixth […]

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KapohoKine Adventures suspends zipline bookings indefinitely

KapohoKine Adventures suspends zipline bookings indefinitely

MEDIA RELEASE KapohoKine Adventures (KKA), an eco-tourism company based in Hilo and with islandwide operations, confirmed that it has suspended booking zipline tours pending a full evaluation on the soil composition and structural integrity of the lines. In September, a not-yet-operational line that was undergoing final testing at Lava Hotline’s site by the company that […]

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Fire/rescue responded to a 9:39 a.m. alarm Wednesday (Sept 21) to the Kapohokine Adventures zipline attraction in the Paukaa mauka area for an accident involving two men. The men were contract workers testing the zipline when it collapsed.

Man dead after zipline accident in Paukaa mauka Wednesday (Sept 21)

Fire/rescue responded to a 9:39 a.m. alarm Wednesday (Sept 21) to the Kapohokine Adventures zipline attraction in the Paukaa mauka area for an accident involving two men. The men were contract workers testing the zipline when it collapsed.

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