Tag Archive | "justin wilson"


Report: HSUS shortchanges Hawaii pet shelters

MEDIA RELEASE HumaneWatch.org, a project of the Center for Consumer Freedom, has released its annual 50-state report, “Not Your Local Humane Society,” highlighting the failure of the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) to significantly share its multi-million dollar budget with local hands-on pet shelters. The report once again finds HSUS spends millions on […]

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Reuseable grocery bags harbor bacteria, analyst says

Reuseable grocery bags harbor bacteria, analyst says

J. Justin Wilson, senior research analyst at the Washington, D.C.-based Center for Consumer Freedom, forwarded the following statement after the Hawaii County Council’s Environmental Management Committee this week approved a bill aimed at reducing the use of plastic grocery bags: “While Big Island lawmakers consider instituting a ban on plastic bags, you should consider this: […]

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