Tag Archive | "hmsa"

Kent joins HMSA’s Hilo office

Kent joins HMSA’s Hilo office

MEDIA RELEASE The Hawaii Medical Service Association (HMSA) has announced that Diane Kent has joined the organization in Hilo as a provider business relations field manager. Kent is responsible for oversight of HMSA provider services operations in Hilo and Kona. She will work with Hawaii providers to foster quality, accessible health care for the community. […]

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Johns named HMSA senior vice president

Johns named HMSA senior vice president

MEDIA RELEASE Tim Johns, president and CEO of Bishop Museum will be leaving the Museum and joining HMSA as senior vice president. He will begin his new position June 1, 2011. Johns has served as president and CEO of Bishop Museum since 2007. During his tenure, Johns led the Museum through the worldwide economic downturn […]

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HMSA ends 2010 with net income of $5.27 million

HMSA ends 2010 with net income of $5.27 million

MEDIA RELEASE The Hawaii Medical Service Association (HMSA) has announced that fourth-quarter earnings resulted in net income after taxes of $5.27 million, or 0.3 percent of total revenue. A net underwriting loss of $26.38 million in 2010 was offset by $28.15 million of investment and other income. Health care costs in 2010 increased by $39.81 […]

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HMSA employees help Hawaii’s hungry

HMSA employees help Hawaii’s hungry

MEDIA RELEASE Hawaii Medical Service Association employees have made a special Thanksgiving donation to the Hawaii Foodbank to help alleviate hunger during the holidays. The Foodbank received $14,697 and 4,978 pounds of canned goods and other nonperishable items from HMSA employees on Oahu, Maui, Kauai and the Big Island. “The Hawaii Foodbank distributes nearly 1 […]

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HMSA claims information online (Aug. 1)

HMSA claims information online (Aug. 1)

MEDIA RELEASE The Hawaii Medical Service Association (HMSA) is taking a big step toward going paperless. Starting Aug. 1, routine explanation of benefit forms, known as Report to Members (RTM), will no longer be mailed to most HMSA members. RTMs can now be accessed through a ‘My Account’ online. HMSA mails approximately 3.5 million RTMs […]

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HMSA Foundation hands out $185,000 in grants

HMSA Foundation hands out $185,000 in grants

MEDIA RELEASE In the second quarter of 2010, the Hawaii Medical Service Association (HMSA) Foundation approved grants for eight local health programs and community organizations. They are: Aha Kane – Foundation for the Advancement of Native Hawaiian Males The grant supports the Aha Kane 2010 Native Hawaiian Men’s Health Conference, which addresses issues of Native […]

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HMSA rate hike request obscene, unbelievable

HMSA rate hike request obscene, unbelievable

Reader Opinions Disclaimer: This column allows members of the community to share their opinions and views, which do not necessarily reflect those of Hawaii 24/7, its staff, sponsors or anyone other than the writer. Hawaii 24/7 reserves the right to refuse any column deemed to be misinformation, of an unethical nature, a personal attack, or […]

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Hawaii Meth Project, HMSA open new category in teen video contest

Hawaii Meth Project, HMSA open new category in teen video contest

MEDIA RELEASE To increase awareness of the dangers of methamphetamine, also called “ice,” the Hawaii Meth Project is joining with HMSA to add a special “Not Even Once” category to HMSA’s 2010 Teen Video Awards Contest, as well as additional prizes. The Hawaii Meth Project will award Flip personal video cameras to contest winners whose […]

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HMSA launches 2010 Teen Video Awards Contest

HMSA launches 2010 Teen Video Awards Contest

MEDIA RELEASE The Hawaii Medical Service Association in conjunction with Hawaii Department of Education and Mothers Against Drunk Driving have launched the 2010 HMSA Teen Video Awards Contest. The annual video contest challenges students in middle and high schools to create public service announcements focusing on important teen health issues. Contest categories include fitness/nutrition, drug-free, […]

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Future physicians train in Neighbor Island communities

Future physicians train in Neighbor Island communities

MEDIA RELEASE The Hawaii Medical Service Association (HMSA) Medical School Travel Support Program has provided nearly $90,000 to subsidize travel and living expenses for medical students assisting physicians on Kauai, Lanai, Maui, Molokai, and Hawaii (Hilo and Kona).  The program, part of a two-year commitment with the John A. Burns School of Medicine (JABSOM), provides […]

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HMSA membership meeting reviews highlights of 2008

HMSA membership meeting reviews highlights of 2008

MEDIA RELEASE The Hawaii Medical Service Association’s Annual Membership Meeting last week included a review of last year’s highlights by President and Chief Executive Officer Robert P. Hiam.  HMSA Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, and Treasurer Steve Van Ribbink shared 2008 operating results, and Carla J. Nip-Sakamoto, M.D., chairwoman of HMSA’s board of directors, […]

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HMSA health care costs outpace revenue in 2008

HMSA health care costs outpace revenue in 2008

MEDIA RELEASE The Hawaii Medical Service Association has announced its operating results for 2008, including a shortfall after taxes of $35.79 million. The shortfall represents 2.4 percent of revenue, and was due in large part to increases in hospital and physician reimbursements.  In 2008, HMSA’s total payments to health care providers were $1.44 billion. With […]

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Deadline nears for HMSA Kaimana Scholarships

MEDIA RELEASE The Hawaii Medical Service Association is reminding high school student athletes and coaches that scholarship applications are still available for the HMSA Kaimana Awards & Scholarship Program. In 2009, 21 scholarships will be awarded to high school seniors. The scholarship application deadline is Feb. 27. Each scholarship is worth $2,000, and three distinguished […]

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HMSA’s Online Care open for registration

MEDIA RELEASE The Hawaii Medical Service Association is encouraging Hawaii residents to register for its new Online Care service.   HMSA’s Online Care is a statewide service designed to connect patients and physicians via the Internet or telephone. The serviced launched last month, and everyone in the state can connect with a physician on the […]

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