Tag Archive | "hei"


Hawaiian Electric Companies launches Project Footprint rewards for customers

Whether it’s signing up for paperless billing or purchasing an electric vehicle, Hawaiian Electric Companies’ new Project Footprint initiative rewards customers for reducing their carbon footprint and helping to build a more sustainable Hawaiʿi.

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Electric company warns of possible long outages should Hurricane Lane hit hard

Depending on hurricane track and scope of the damage, customers should expect outages, possibly of long duration Hawaiian Electric, Maui Electric, and HawaiÊ»i Electric Light continue to monitor Hurricane Lane and prepare as the storm impacts the companies’ five-island service territory. The strength and intensity of Lane will likely trigger power outages. Customers should plan […]

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Hawaiian Electric releases strategic roadmap for EV transportation

The Hawaiian Electric Companies Thursday (March 29) released their Electrification of Transportation Strategic Roadmap, describing near- and long-term actions to create a clean energy future and reduce dependence on imported fossil fuel for transportation as well as electricity.

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The Hawaiian Electric Companies get the go-ahead on grid modernization plans

Regulators have approved for implementation the Hawaiian Electric Companies’ multi-year grid modernization strategy, paving the way for upgrades that will create renewable-ready island grids and improve reliability.

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The Hawaiian Electric Companies urge fireworks safety during New Year celebrations

As tens of thousands of residents plan to ring in 2018 with fireworks, Hawaiian Electric, Maui Electric and HawaiÊ»i Electric Light would like to urge caution and offer these safety tips: Carefully set up and use fireworks in an area clear of overhead power lines. Do not string fireworks on utility poles. Ensure a 10-foot […]

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Hawaiian Electric offers ‘Energy Gift’ option to pay bills for others

This holiday season, consider giving family members and friends – or anyone in need – a payment toward their electric bills by using the ʻOhana Energy Gift Program offered by Hawaiian Electric, Maui Electric and Hawaiʻi Electric Light.

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Wednesday (Nov 15) is Utility Scam Awareness Day

Utilities United Against Scams and the Hawaiian Electric Companies are marking the second annual Utility Scam Awareness Day today by educating electric customers about aggressive phone scammers.

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Hawaiian Electric seeks renewable energy projects in 2018

To continue their progress toward achieving Hawai‘i’s clean energy goals, the Hawaiian Electric Companies plan to seek new renewable energy projects for O‘ahu, Maui and Hawai‘i Island beginning in early 2018.

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Hawaiian Electric Companies urges customers to “Just hang up!” on scammers

Just hang up! That’s what the Hawaiian Electric Companies recommend as they begin a month-long campaign to alert customers about a recent spike in aggressive phone scams targeting electric customers.

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ArcLight agrees to sell Hamakua Energy Partners plant to new HEI subsidiary

An affiliate of ArcLight Capital Partners, a Boston-based private equity firm (ArcLight) focused on energy infrastructure investments, has signed an agreement to sell its 60-megawatt Hamakua Energy Partners plant for an undisclosed price to Pacific Current, a newly established subsidiary of Hawaiian Electric Industries (HEI).

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Hawaiian Electric Companies submit plan to modernize island grids

The Hawaiian Electric Companies filed their Grid Modernization Strategy with the Hawaiʻi Public Utilities Commission (PUC) today, providing a roadmap for building more resilient and renewable-ready island grids.

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The Hawai‘i Public Utilities Commission (PUC) has issued an interim decision approving Hawai‘i Electric Light Company’s first base-rate increase in more than six years.

The approved interim rate will increase the typical Hawai‘i Island monthly residential bill for 500 kilowatt hours by $4.98. Over the last 12 months, the average monthly residential bill has been $162.58. The 3.4 percent increase – $9.9 million in annual revenue – will help pay for capital improvements including grid upgrades and extensive vegetation management work that is credited with reducing outages and their duration during storms.

HELCO rate increase approved, first base-rate increase in over six years

The Hawai‘i Public Utilities Commission (PUC) has issued an interim decision approving Hawai‘i Electric Light Company’s first base-rate increase in more than six years. The approved interim rate will increase the typical Hawai‘i Island monthly residential bill for 500 kilowatt hours by $4.98. Over the last 12 months, the average monthly residential bill has been […]

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2017 Nissan LEAF

Hawaiian Electric Companies’ EV fast charger program extended

The Hawaiian Electric Companies have gained approval to continue the DC Fast Charger program designed to encourage ownership of plug-in electric vehicles (EV) in Hawai‘i. The Hawai‘i Public Utilities Commission approved the companies’ request to extend two EV pilot charging rates for five more years.

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Discount electricity rate still available for customers with special medical needs

Utility customers with special medical needs may still take advantage of a discounted electricity rate. Space is available in the two-year pilot program, which is limited to 2,000 Hawaiian Electric, Maui Electric and Hawai‘i Electric Light customers.

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