Tag Archive | "georgina kawamura"

Budget organization honors Kawamura for achievements

Budget organization honors Kawamura for achievements

MEDIA RELEASE Former Gov. Linda Lingle congratulates former Director of Budget and Finance Georgina Kawamura for earning this year’s top award from the National Association of State Budget Officers. Kawamura, who served as Hawaii’s budget director during the Lingle Administration’s two terms, was recognized with the Gloria Timmer Award, the highest honor NASBO bestows upon […]

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Opinion: Lingle promotes, inspires women leaders

Opinion: Lingle promotes, inspires women leaders

The following letter was issued Wednesday, April 14: Recent criticism of Gov. Linda Lingle’s record of appointing women is completely off base, misinformed and political. When Lingle appoints an individual, she does not use a quota system as some such as the Hawaii Democratic Women’s Caucus and Democrat legislators appear to be advocating. Instead, she […]

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State sells $721.6M in general obligation bonds

State sells $721.6M in general obligation bonds

MEDIA RELEASE Gov. Linda Lingle announced today that the State of Hawaii successfully sold $721.6 million of general obligation bonds to fund various State capital projects, including public school facilities, University of Hawaii projects and other statewide capital projects. The $721.6 million bond sale included $500 million of taxable Build America Bonds authorized under the […]

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For more than a year-and-a-half, the facts about the state’s economic and fiscal challenges have been clearly laid out, but unfortunately, some refuse to accept the reality that until the State’s revenues recover, we simply cannot continue to pay for all the existing government programs.

State Budget and Finance director reacts to Senator Hooser’s comments

For more than a year-and-a-half, the facts about the state’s economic and fiscal challenges have been clearly laid out, but unfortunately, some refuse to accept the reality that until the State’s revenues recover, we simply cannot continue to pay for all the existing government programs.

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Budget director clarifies news article

Budget director clarifies news article

MEDIA RELEASE Georgina Kawamura, state Budget and Finance Department director, issued the following statement in response to an Aug. 30 article published in a Honolulu newspaper:  The Advertiser’s Aug. 30 article on the state’s investments in auction rate securities (ARS) contained several inaccuracies, including misleading statements by Legislative Auditor Marion Higa and Rep. Karl Rhoads. […]

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$725.3M bond sale to fund projects statewide

$725.3M bond sale to fund projects statewide

MEDIA RELEASE A revenue bond sale, completed this week, will fund various state capital projects, including public school facilities, University of Hawaii projects and other capital projects statewide.  The general obligation bond sale will fund capital improvement projects that will bolster Hawaii’s infrastructure and create jobs in the construction and related industries. The $725.3 million […]

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