Tag Archive | "fissure 8"


Volcano Watch: Kilauea activity update for September 13, 2018

Since the beginning of September, small lava flows have been observed within the fissure 8 cone, but none have extended outside the walls of the cone.

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Weak lava activity starting to fill the floor of Fissure 8 Monday (Sept 3)

On the Kilauea volcano’s lower East Rift Zone, the crew on this morning’s overflight confirmed that weakly active lava continues to fill the deep crater in the fissure 8 cone with no lava extending outside

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This UAS oblique image of fissure 8 shows that the new lava is mostly confined to the crater floor within the cone, although a small amount extended a short distance into the spillway. By early evening, HVO geologists noted that the lava activity was at a low level, with only minimal (if any) incandescence emanating from the cone. Gas emissions from the vent were nearly nonexistent. Photo taken Sunday, September 2, 2018 courtesy of U.S. Geological Survey

Kilauea Eruption: Lava spattering observed in Fissure 8

The Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO) reports that yesterday afternoon and early evening, spattering was observed in the fissure 8 cone. It is common for eruptions to go through periods of diminished output, or to pause completely, only to reactivate days, weeks, or even months later.

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USGS photo and video takes a close look into Fissure 8 Monday (Aug 20)

The activity deep within Fissure 8’s cone is an indication that the lower East Rift Zone eruption may be paused rather than pau (over).

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