Tag Archive | "ethan tweedie"

Parker School in Waimea. Photography by Baron Sekiya | Hawaii 24/7.

Parker School announces new board members

MEDIA RELEASE The Parker School Board of Directors has announced the addition of four new board members who began their terms in July 2013: * Kenneth Fischer OD Fischer has been a practicing optometrist in Waimea since 1974. Originally from New York, he obtained both his bachelor’s degree and his medical degree from Pacific University. […]

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'Einstein is in every iPhone, because the GPS system would not work without his theory'

UCLA astronomers at Keck discover pivotal star to test Einstein’s theory

‘Einstein is in every iPhone, because the GPS system would not work without his theory’

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Winter snowstorm hits Hawaii Island peaks

The Mauna Kea access road was closed Sunday (Feb 19) but Big Island photographer Ethan Tweedie got up to the 11,000 foot level of Mauna Loa for some Winter snowboarding action and a awesome view of Mauna Kea.

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