The State of Hawai’i is re-energizing its successful EV Ready Rebate Program with an additional $150,000 and has extended the deadline for rebates on new electric or plug-in hybrid electric vehicles and chargers from January 31 to March 31, 2012.
Posted on 11:29 am, Monday, January 30, 2012.
The State of Hawai’i is re-energizing its successful EV Ready Rebate Program with an additional $150,000 and has extended the deadline for rebates on new electric or plug-in hybrid electric vehicles and chargers from January 31 to March 31, 2012.
Posted in Energy, Government, NewsComments (0)
Posted on 6:13 am, Saturday, April 17, 2010.
Sen. Mike Gabbard, District 19 How’s this for an interesting piece of trivia? The first car that arrived in Hawaii in October 1898 was a Woods Electric owned by Henry P. Baldwin. I was on Energy Futures, a live call-in radio show on Hawaii Public Radio hosted by Donalyn Dela Cruz, last month to discuss […]
Posted in Environment, Sci-TechComments (1)