Tag Archive | "department of the interior"


Interior eyes reestablishing government-to-government Native Hawaiian relationship

MEDIA RELEASE In response to requests from the Native Hawaiian community, Hawaii’s congressional delegation and state leaders, the U.S. Department of the Interior has announced a first step to consider reestablishing a government-to-government relationship between the United States and the Native Hawaiian community. The purpose of such a relationship would be to more effectively implement […]

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Abercrombie, Schatz support Kiaaina nomination to Department of Interior post

MEDIA RELEASE Gov. Neil Abercrombie applauded President Barack Obama’s announcement of his intent to nominate Esther Puakela Kiaaina of Hawaii to serve as the Assistant Secretary for Insular Areas at the U.S. Department of the Interior. “Esther brought a tremendous amount of knowledge, experience and enthusiasm in serving as First Deputy of the Hawaii Department […]

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