Tag Archive | "Beth Giesting"


Office of the Governor releases healthcare transformation plan

MEDIA RELEASE After a rigorous six-month planning process made possible by a federal grant from the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI), the state today announced the release of its healthcare transformation plan. Under CMMI’s State Innovation Model (SIM) initiative, Beth Giesting, the state’s healthcare transformation coordinator, convened more than 100 stakeholders from across […]

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State receives $937,691 for healthcare transformation efforts

MEDIA RELEASE The state once again has an opportunity to demonstrate its leadership in healthcare transformation. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has announced Hawaii was awarded a planning grant worth $937,691 as part of the agency’s State Innovations Model (SIM) initiative. Beginning April 1, the state will have six months to design […]

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Hawaii selects healthcare benefits package

MEDIA RELEASE The State of Hawaii has met a major milestone in ensuring that all the people of Hawaii have access to high-quality healthcare and insurance coverage. Gov. Neil Abercrombie has announced the state has selected a healthcare benefits package that will outline the minimum array of benefits insurers must provide for years 2014 and […]

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Hawaii first state to make health declaration

Hawaii first state to make health declaration

MEDIA RELEASE Gov. Neil Abercrombie has issued a “declaration letter” to the U.S. Health and Human Services Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) verifying that Hawaii is establishing a state-certified health insurance exchange, the Hawaii Health Connector. In a June 7, 2012 letter to Steve Larsen, director of the CCIIO, Abercrombie wrote, “Hawaii […]

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Federal grant to connect residents to health care

Federal grant to connect residents to health care

MEDIA RELEASE Gov. Neil Abercrombie has announced the state Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs has received a $14.4 million federal grant for the development of an online insurance exchange program, which will facilitate access to affordable health insurance for state residents. “The cost of health care is one of the biggest challenges faced by […]

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Governor Neil Abercrombie today announced Beth Giesting as the Healthcare Transformation Coordinator. This is a new position, established by an executive order.

Governor selects Giesting as Healthcare Transformation Coordinator

Governor Neil Abercrombie today announced Beth Giesting as the Healthcare Transformation Coordinator. This is a new position, established by an executive order.

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