Tag Archive | "android"


American Red Cross issues new pet first aid app

March is Red Cross Month and it’s a great time to start thinking about disaster preparedness for your family, including your pets! Pets are an important part of many families, and the new Red Cross Pet First Aid App puts lifesaving information right in the hands of dog and cat owners so they can provide […]

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NASA's Third Rock Radio just got mobile. Updates to the NASA App for iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad and Android now include a feature to listen to the agency's new online alternative rock radio station.

NASA’s adds online radio station to smartphone app

NASA’s Third Rock Radio just got mobile. Updates to the NASA App for iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad and Android now include a feature to listen to the agency’s new online alternative rock radio station.

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The Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs (DCCA) unveiled the State of Hawaii’s first web application for mobile devices. The mobile web app includes a modified version of the current services available on DCCA’s Business Registration website.

State deploys mobile web app for business information

The Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs (DCCA) unveiled the State of Hawaii’s first web application for mobile devices. The mobile web app includes a modified version of the current services available on DCCA’s Business Registration website.

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Posted in Business, Government, NewsComments (0)

Pacific Disaster Center (PDC), a program managed by the University of Hawai‘i, has published Disaster Alert for Android-driven devices, a free-download application—formerly available only for iOS (iPhone, iPad, iTouch)—that gives users access to worldwide hazard and disaster event data. The information can be viewed on an interactive map, in quick-view lists or as a detailed presentation on a single event. Disaster Alert is available from Android Market.

Pacific Disaster Center app now available for Android OS, iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch)

Pacific Disaster Center (PDC), a program managed by the University of Hawai‘i, has published Disaster Alert for Android-driven devices, a free-download application—formerly available only for iOS (iPhone, iPad, iTouch)—that gives users access to worldwide hazard and disaster event data. The information can be viewed on an interactive map, in quick-view lists or as a detailed […]

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Posted in Earthquake, Hurricane, Military, Sci-TechComments (0)

