Tag Archive | "alala"

Five more ‘Alalā Project birds released into the forest

Tomorrow will mark a year since the successful reintroduction of critically endangered Hawaiian crows into the forests of Hawai’i. Yesterday researchers with The Ê»Alalā Project released five more ‘Alalā into the Pu‘u Maka‘ala Natural Area Reserve. These birds will join eleven ‘Alalā already thriving in native forests on the windward slopes of Mauna Loa. The […]

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Eleven Alala birds in the wild doing fine after Hurricane Lane

In their forest home in the Pu‘u Maka‘ala Natural Area Reserve on Hawai‘i Island, eleven Ê»Alalā (native Hawaiian crows) appear to have little difficulty following several days of heavy rains generated by Hurricane Lane. The critically endangered birds, the first to have been successfully released into the wild from conservation breeding facilities last fall, are […]

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‘Alalā released on Hawaii Island in 2017 appear to thrive

The eleven young ‘Alalā living in the Pu‘u Maka‘ala Natural Area Reserve on the Island of Hawai‘i continue to thrive, showing increased natural behaviors, foraging on native plants, and even challenging the occasional ‘Io, or Hawaiian Hawk. Conservationists are cautiously optimistic about the birds’ continued success in native habitat and are working together with researchers […]

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‘Alalā naming contest begins online Monday, April 9, 2018

In Mrs. Wines’ fifth grade classroom at Connections Charter School recently, 21 students were hard at work drawing pictures of ʻAlalā, the Hawaiian crow that’s been extinct in the wild for nearly two decades.

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‘Alalā Project plans to release 12 birds later this year

Reintroduction efforts for the ʻAlalā, the native Hawaiian crow, began in December of last year with the release of five ʻAlalā into a Hawai‘i Island State Natural Area Reserve. Sadly, three birds did not survive, and the remaining two were brought back into captivity.

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‘Alalā, or Hawaiian crow (Photo courtesy of David Ledig | FWS)

Released ‘Alalā birds brought back into aviary after three found dead

Two young ‘Alalā were moved back into an aviary at the State of Hawai‘i’s Pu‘u Maka‘ala Natural Area Reserve last week, as conservationists work to overcome challenges faced by the birds during their reintroduction. A group of five birds were released into the protected reserve on December 14, 2016.

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Parent-raised rare birds are first in this century

Leighton: ‘Her maternal instincts kicked in straight away and we are absolutely delighted that the chicks have successfully fledged’

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