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Abercrombie announces attorney general choice


Gov. Neil Abercrombie has announced the appointment of David M. Louie as attorney general.

Louie, 59, is a trial lawyer with the law firm of Roeca Louie & Hiraoka, practicing for the past 33 years in the areas of personal injury defense, construction defect litigation and commercial litigation.

Louie has been named one of the Best Lawyers in America (2011), and a Hawaii Super Lawyer (2008-Present). He has served as the President, Vice-President and Director of the Hawaii State Bar Association (1995-2001), a Lawyer Representative for the United States Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals (2005-2008), and the Northwest Regional Governor for the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (2008-2010).

He is the current Vice Chair of the Hawaii Supreme Court Special Committee on Judicial Performance (1999-Present) and was Chairman of the State of Hawaii Aloha Tower Development Corporation (1999-2005).

He attended Occidental College (A.B. 1973 cum laude) and Boalt Hall School of Law (University of California 1977). Louie is a frequent lecturer for numerous continuing legal education seminars.

“I couldn’t be happier that Mr. Louie’s accepted this critical position of state attorney general,” Abercrombie. “He is well versed in many areas of law and will be a tireless advocate for the interests of the people of Hawaii. He is the kind of person we need on our team as we address the challenges facing our communities.”

Louie’s appointment and the appointments of the 15 directors require state Senate confirmation.

Abercrombie has also announced 15 deputy directors; nine deputy director appointments remain in various departments.

The selections come after a process that began with applicants submitting their resumes through the transition website,

The process, led by Transition Director Bill Kaneko, includes collecting input from the community and several rounds of interviews before Abercrombie makes the final decision.

One Response to “Abercrombie announces attorney general choice”

  1. daniwitz13 says:

    I had a bone to pick with Mark Bennett but whatever it is, I did not follow through and found no one to turn to for help. Although my cause is not lost, I have a new nemesis in my mist. Actually I do not have a gripe with the person, it is the laws they perpetuate and continue to prosecute with no regard for justice. I wish him well and will take a wait and see stance. I hope this time it will be different. For him and for me.


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