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Abercrombie announces ‘A New Day in Hawaii’

From the campaign headquarters of Neil Abercrombie:

Aloha Everyone,

This plan is a roadmap based on our values and priorities. It is the result of conversations with thousands of people and many hours of research over the past year and a half on the campaign trail.

I’ve met with business people, entrepreneurs, economists, principals, teachers, parents, academics, public employees, farmers, nonprofit leaders, health professionals, students, seniors, conservationists, cultural practitioners, construction workers, and citizens of all backgrounds.

We’ve also held dozens of issue forums and meetings on every island to hear from you about your concerns and hopes for Hawaii.

The message is crystal clear. We want to change direction in Hawaii. We want to move away from the economic and social policies of the status quo that consistently postpone solving problems, leaving them for future generations. And we also want to move away from the divisive, negative politics that has been tearing our communities apart.

We want a new day in Hawaii, a new way forward.

I developed this plan after talking with and listening to Hawaii’s people, with the help of my campaign staff and many volunteers. They cannot replicate what an entire cabinet might do, but I am presenting this plan to give you a sense of what I think leadership means.

I am not an expert in everything. We will need a team effort to bring about the change we desire. We will not agree on every issue, but we can still work as one. As Rev. Abraham Akaka would say, we need to put our paddles in the water and pull deep together to get our canoe from the rough seas of the present safely to the shore of the future.

This plan does not cover every aspect of governance, and we will continually refine and improve our plans. But let me be clear: we will be ready to take action on Day One.

I want to convey my deepest gratitude to the people of Hawaii. You have given me so much through the years and over the course of this campaign. I am grateful and honored for the opportunity to seek the office of Governor and ask for your consideration in this election. It has been an uplifting and energizing experience.

Imua Hawaii!

Neil Abercrombie

Abercrombie’s plan in full:

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