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Fissure 7 began this morning around dawn and was active for several hours. At the peak of its activity, large bubble bursts occurred at one spot (lower left) in the fissure while spattering was present in other portions. A short lava flow was erupted from the fissure around 8 a.m. HST, moving northeast and crossing Hookupu St. Photo taken Saturday, May 5, 2018 courtesy of U.S. Geological Survey

Fissure 7 began this morning around dawn and was active for several hours. At the peak of its activity, large bubble bursts occurred at one spot (lower left) in the fissure while spattering was present in other portions. A short lava flow was erupted from the fissure around 8 a.m. HST, moving northeast and crossing Hookupu St. Photo taken Saturday, May 5, 2018 courtesy of U.S. Geological Survey

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