Keauhou Canoe Club will sponsor the Seventh Annual Kauikeaouli Challenge Race for OC-6 Recreational Paddlers on Saturday, March 17. This event is expressly for non-racers as an opportunity for recreational paddlers to experience the excitement of Outrigger Canoe Racing and is held on the Saturday closest to March 17, the official birthday of Kauikeaouli, Kamehameha III, who was born at Keauhou Bay.
The 3 mile short course for paddlers with no HCRA racing experience will be from outside Keauhou Bay to turn at Kahaluu and return to the finish line inside Keauhou Bay. The 4-1/2 mile long course for recreational paddlers with minimal racing experience will also start and finish at Keauhou Bay, with the turnaround outside Magic Sands Beach.
Registration for the Kauikeaouli Recreational Races will take place at 7 a.m. at Keauhou Canoe Club, with race start at 8 a.m.
At the conclusion of the races, all participants will enjoy brunch and awards at the Keauhou CC halau.
For more information, contact Bill Armer at 896-4535 or Jane Bockus at 937-7890
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