Flash Flood Watch in effect along with High Surf Advisory

National Weather Service rainfall totals for Hawaii Island.


This is a Flash Flood Warning update for Friday morning, December 1 at 10. The National Weather Service has been cancelled the Flash Flood Warning for the island of Hawaii. The Warning has been downgraded to a Flash Flood Watch. Flash Flood Watch means flooding is still possible, so stay on the alert.

Hawaii County Parks and Recreation Department reports all parks, gyms, community centers are open today for normal operational hours and programs except for the following due to flood-related hazards:

Due to the Flash Flood Watch in effect for the island of Hawaii, all residents are advised to continue to to be on the alert for possible reoccurrence of heavy rains and flooding conditions. National Weather Service forecasts possibility of rainy conditions to continue through tomorrow.

You will be updated of any conditions that may change that affect your safety.

For your additional information, a High Surf Advisory is in effect for the east-facing shores of Hawaii Island. This would be for the windward coasts of Kohala, Hamakua, Hilo, Puna and Ka’u.

Thank you. Have a safe day, this is your Hawai’i County Civil Defense Agency.