Hawaii Electric Light offers safety tips for its customers preparing for hurricanes


Highway 130 in Puna was closed due to trees and debris blocking the roadway from Tropical Storm Iselle Friday, August 8, 2014. Photography by Baron Sekiya | Hawaii 24/7

Hawai‘i Electric Light employees are preparing for potential impacts from approaching Hurricanes Madeline and Lester.

After Tropical Storm Iselle in 2014, Hawai‘i Electric Light has spent an estimated $14 million to clear trees and other vegetation that may topple and damage power lines. Nearly 94,000 trees have been cleared, including 31,000 invasive albizia. There is still work to be done. The strong winds and heavy rain expected from the approaching hurricanes may cause remaining trees to fall, breaking power lines and poles and causing power interruptions, so please be prepared.

“Keeping our employees and our community safe is our top priority as we prepare for and respond to storms,” said Rhea Lee-Moku, public information officer. “We strongly encourage everyone to complete their emergency preparations and monitor local news to stay informed.  If the Hawai‘i Island electric grid is impacted by Madeline or Lester, our employees will be deployed to the field to conduct damage assessments and start the process of restoring power once it is safe to do so.  We will not send our employees out in dangerous conditions.”

The key to successfully weathering these situations is to be prepared. The company offers the following safety tips:


Outside the home

Inside the home

Medical patients

Hawai‘i Electric Light’s free “Handbook for Emergency Preparedness” provides these tips and helpful information including key phone numbers, emergency supply kit checklists, electrical safety, power outage preparedness and restoration, as well as household and food safety. It also provides references and links to related resources, such as the American Red Cross, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and civil defense agencies. The handbook is printed in English, Cantonese, Ilocano, Korean, and Vietnamese and is available at the company’s customer service offices in Hilo and Kona and online at www.hawaiielectriclight.com/prepare. To request a printed copy, call 327-0543.

If there is a major power outage, Hawai‘i Electric Light provides safety information to local media, including power restoration updates. Outage notifications also are proactively issued on the company’s Twitter account @HIElectricLight with the hashtag #BigIslandOutage. If a storm knocks down a power line, stay at least 30 feet away from the line. To report a fallen line or a power outage, call 969-6666.