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Kuamoo battlefield, burial grounds protected

(Photo special to Hawaii 24/7)

(Photo special to Hawaii 24/7)


Aloha Kuamoo Aina (AKA) and The Trust for Public Land have announced they successfully acquired the ancient Kuamoo battlefield and burial grounds on Hawaii Island south of Kona, 47 acres of makai land that is rich in history, cultural treasures, burial sites, and a portion of the Ala Kahakai National Historic Trail.

Keola Beamer, President of AKA, which now owns and will steward the land, said, “Mahalo to all who made this possible, especially the landowners, the Schattauer Ohana, and Aunty Margaret Schattauer, who waited patiently for us to raise the funds needed, sold the land at a substantial discount, and is making a major donation to AKA for stewardship of these lands. We look forward to working with descendants of the battle and the Kona community to restore and protect this special place.”

AKA envisions a restored landscape that will be a catalyst for meaningful learning through place based education that will help to achieve justice and peace for Hawaii’s people, environment, and the world.

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