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Dr. Pang: Dengue fight enters mid-game phase
Video from the Dengue Fever information meeting in both English and Spanish held in Kona Friday, November 20, 2015. Photography by Baron Sekiya | Hawaii 24/7

Karin Stanton | Hawaii 24/7 Editor

Dr. Lorrin Pang listens to Claudia Hartz translate what he said into Spanish for the audience in Kona during a Dengue Fever meeting. Photography by Baron Sekiya | Hawaii 24/7

Dr. Lorrin Pang listens to Claudia Hartz translate what he said into Spanish for the audience in Kona during a Dengue Fever meeting. Photography by Baron Sekiya | Hawaii 24/7

State and county health officials are continuing to urge residents to protect themselves against dengue fever.

Dr. Lorrin Pang, state Department of Health county office for Maui, spoke Friday to several dozen Spanish and Marshallese speakers, the first informational meeting to reach out specifically to agricultural workers.

Ag workers are at greater risk of being bitten, as they typically spend their days outside in mosquito-infested areas. Because some many not speak English or have other reasons for not wanting to seek help if they become ill, Pang said it’s important to go to them.

He suggested a mobile unit visiting neighborhoods during evening hours or perhaps visiting churches after weekend services as a way to contact as many people as possible in rural areas of South Kona.

Pang, who helped knock down a dengue outbreak on Maui in 2000-2001, said he would like to see a 10-week period of no new cases before he declares the crisis over. As of Friday, 88 confirmed cases originating on Hawaii Island were reported; the most recent was dated Nov. 15. These cases include 75 residents and 13 visitors.

“Maybe this will continue on forever. This is not like Maui,” he said, noting that outbreak lasted five months.

Still, the Big Island is through the first phase and is into the ‘mid-game,’ Pang said. Likening the fight to a chess game, he explained the opening often includes set moves or strategies, while the mid-game offers a myriad possibilities. There is no telling when the island might enter the endgame phase, he said.

The Dengue Fever information meeting in Kona was presented in both English and Spanish for the gathering tailored to agricultural workers. Translators were also on hand for Marshallese audience members. Photography by Baron Sekiya | Hawaii 24/7

The Dengue Fever information meeting in Kona was presented in both English and Spanish for the gathering tailored to agricultural workers. Translators were also on hand for Marshallese audience members. Photography by Baron Sekiya | Hawaii 24/7

“We need to stay flexible,” he said, pointing out that was the biggest lesson he learned from the Maui outbreak. “Be ready for anything, see where it takes us and see where we need to go.”

Pang pointed to the ‘Fight the Bite’ campaign, which lists ways to protect against the disease, as the biggest tool in stamping it out.

Long sleeves, wearing repellent and eradicating mosquito habitats are key, he said.

Also, the mosquito that transmits dengue fever is a day-biter, Pang said. And, although they generally are inactive at night, they can be woken by lights. So, for example, Pang said, if you spend evenings working in your carport or relaxing on your lanai, the lights may attract the mosquitos.

The National Guard also is ready to assist, Pang said. They can provide doctors, medics, nurses and other personnel, as well as vehicles and equipment.

The county has completed two weeks of public informational meetings and plans around series in some of the smaller communities, such as Hawi, Waimea, Pahala. No dates have been confirmed.

Also, crews will conduct preventive spraying or treating of areas around the following school campuses this weekend: Konawaena High, Middle and Elementary Schools; Honaunau School; Hookena School; Hilo High School; Hilo Intermediate School; and Waiakea Intermediate and Elementary Schools.

— Find out more about Dengue Fever:

Dengue Outbreak 2015-16

One Response to “Dr. Pang: Dengue fight enters mid-game phase”

  1. Rachel says:

    Thank you for posting this article and video!


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