Hawaiian Electric Companies prepare for Hurricane Ignacio


HONOLULU, August 28, 2015 – With significant rainfall and thunderstorms expected from Hurricane Ignacio, the Hawaiian Electric Companies have activated our emergency response plans and have been making preparations to quickly respond to customer outages and other potential impacts to our systems. Some of the activities include:

How we prepare for storm season

Electrical preparedness and safety

Safety is always our top priority. We urge our customers to consider these emergency electrical preparedness steps and to follow the electrical safety advice below:

The Hawaiian Electric Companies’ free “Information Handbook for Emergency Preparedness” includes these tips and more. It can be downloaded at http://hawaiianelectric.com/prepare

The handbook includes key numbers to have on hand, checklists for emergency supplies (such as a home survival kit and first aid kit), electrical safety information, power outage preparedness and recovery information, and household and food safety tips. It also provides references and links to related resources, such as the American Red Cross, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and civil defense agencies.