Community Enterprises hosts its next public forum at 6 p.m. Thursday, March 12 at the County Council Chambers, West Hawaii Civic Center. (Note the change from usual venue.)
This month’s forum will explore the role of money in politics and how that affects public policies and, ultimately, democracy in America.
The program will cover recent trends toward income inequality, the evolution of corporate personhood in the U.S., and actions that can help return political power to the voters of America, specifically the Move to Amend the U.S. Constitution so that corporations are not persons.
The connections between corporate political power and local and state government, food, agriculture and our schools will be the focus of presentations by the evening’s speakers.
Guest speakers include Kauai Councilman and former State Senator Gary Hooser who will discuss the power of corporate lobbyists at the county and state levels; Marvin Feldman, Kona resident and economist; Una Greenaway, Hawaii farmer; and Louise Feldman, educator.
Various remedies will be suggested and the attendees will have the opportunity to meet in small groups with the speakers to develop action plans.
The evening program will also feature a brief update of County Council business by a West Hawaii County Council person.

The doors open at 5:30 p.m. and pupus and beverages will be served. The program is free and open to the public.
For more information, email

Community Enterprises Inc. is a private non-profit organization with a 501c (3) designation from the IRS. Its mission is to bring educational resources to the residents of West Hawaii so they can better participate in the public policy issues that affect their lives and their communities.
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