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Akaka Falls Lions Club 51st annual installation dinner

New Lion President Patricia Dunn and Immediate Past President Blayne Hanagami. (Photo courtesy of Akaka Falls Lions Club)

New Lion President Patricia Dunn and Immediate Past President Blayne Hanagami. (Photo courtesy of Akaka Falls Lions Club)


The Akaka Falls Lions Club installed its new officers and directors at a recent ceremony at Restaurant Kenichi.

Outgoing Lion President Blayne Hanagami transferred the gavel to incoming Lion President Patricia Dunn. Lion Blayne thanked the Lions for their support throughout the year culminating with the Akaka Falls Lions Club being selected as the Best Club of Division II in District 50.

Other officers for 2014-2015 include Joan Kawakone, 1st Vice President and Secretary; Tani Matsubara, 2nd Vice President; Jay Ihara, 3rd Vice President; Benjamin Cockett, Treasurer; Ryan Kadota, Lion Tamer; and Crystal Robledo, Tail Twister.

One year directors are Myron Isherwood and Len Shimabukuro.

Two year directors are Sandra Wacker and Diane Kent. Immediate Past President Blayne Hanagami will serve as membership director.

Lions recognized for their service were: Richard Unoki and Companion in Service Satsuki for the most hours in service projects, Alan Garson for the most hours in fellowship events, Don Coloma for the most hours in fundraising projects, and Jan Asano for photography/publicity.

Receiving Lions recognition pins were: Ben Cockett for his outstanding job as treasurer, Diane Kent and Lynette Kaneshiro for their award winning newsletters.

Receiving a special Lions Secretary plaque was Coleen Kasamoto for her years of dedicated and efficient service as our secretary and historian.

Receiving the Lion of the Year Award was Glen Shigehara, for his dedication and willingness to help out whenever and wherever needed, especially in coordinating vision and hearing screenings throughout our community.

Charter members Lions Hiro Shima and Myron Isherwood presented special awards to Lions Alan Garson and Richard Unoki for their outstanding service and contributions to the Club.

Dunn’s goals are to continue the Lions tradition of service to the community and new projects for youth and seniors.

The Akaka Falls Lions Club was chartered July 1, 1963. The Club’s mission statement is: Akaka Falls Lions Club in Service and in Fellowship, with a Club motto of: We are a Club of One.

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