One of Waimea’s oldest traditions – the celebration of May Day by Waimea Middle School students – continues Friday, May 9, 2014, and for a second time in many years, the morning performance will – in part – be repeated in early evening, and students from other Waimea schools and dancers and singers from other Waimea schools and groups will join in the evening celebration.
Doors to historic Thelma Parker Memorial Gym will open for seating for the morning performance at 8:30 a.m. though kupuna and families of the May Day Court and families with infants will be allowed to enter at 8:15 a.m.
Waimea musicians and singers who work closely with WMS students year-round — Hawane Rios and Kealii Bertelmann — will perform from 8:30 until the start of the performance at 9 a.m.
For the evening performance, doors to the gym will open at 5:30 p.m. to music by Hawane Rios and other talented musicians, and the pu will sound at 6 p.m. signaling the arrival of the Court and showtime.
There is no charge for May Day performances and everyone is invited to both shows. The only request – or suggestion – is to consider wearing a lei.
Themed, “E Ola Mau Na leo Kupuna – The Voices of Our Kupuna Liveâ€, and both the morning and evening presentations will begin with a protocol opening and formal introduction of the WMS May Day 8th grade Court led by King Keaweiwi Pilayo and Queen Harleigh “Kiai” Lindsey.
They will be accompanied by a retinue of island princesses and escorts as well as pu blowers and kahili bearers.
For the first time there will be court members representing the major atolls of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands in addition to the major islands to encompass the entire archipelago of Hawaii.
Serving as a WMS May Day Court member is significant undertaking. While court members are elected, becoming eligible and then serving on the court requires a substantial commitment of both community service time and many non-school hours dedicated to researching, writing and also training for the performance.
As always, May Day begins with a formal protocol opening introducing the court with chants and dances and the coronation of the King and Queen by members of their immediate family.
Then, for the morning presentation, WMS 6th, 7th and 8th grade students will perform a selection chants, songs and dances.
Also performing in the morning program will be WMS students who have participated in the after-school K(Arts) program.
For the evening performance, students from every school in Waimea and a number of other groups including halau have been invited to share a dance, song or chant of their choosing.
Very special honorees at this year’s May Day evening presentation will be past May Day Queens and court members – reaching as far back as possible.
All past court members are asked to join the celebration and check in at a special reception table at the entry to the gym to confirm participation.
Coordinating WMS May Day are Ike Hawaii Resource Teacher Pua Case, Kumu Keala Kahuanui and Kumu Kealii Bertelmann.
For WMS’ annual May Day celebration, historic Thelma Parker Gym is decorated with greenery, feather kahili and a traditional Hawaiian quilt depicting the Royal Coat of Arms and Hawaiian Flag. Donations of greenery are needed and may be brought to the gym 3-6 p.m. Wednesday, May 7 or at 9 a.m. Thursday May 8.
Kokua with decorating also is welcome 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Thursday.
For information about May Day, please call WMS school office: 887-6090 Ext. 222.
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