Obama endorses Schatz for U.S. Senate


President Barack Obama has endorsed Senator Brian Schatz in Hawaii’s U.S. Senate election.

The president pointed to Schatz’s effective leadership in the Senate and his work to protect Social Security, promote clean energy, and fight for middle-class families.

“I have worked with Senator Schatz on the issues that matter to Hawaii. Brian’s deep commitment to the people of Hawaii and his effective leadership are why I believe it is important to return him to the Senate,” Obama said. “Senator Schatz is protecting Hawaii’s values and fighting every day on behalf of middle-class families. There is no question that Senator Schatz is the right choice to continue delivering for Hawaii.”

“I’m honored to receive President Obama’s endorsement in this critical election and I am proud to be one of the President’s most steadfast allies in the U.S. Senate,” Schatz said. “President Obama personally understands Hawaii’s values and is committed to making sure that everyone who works hard and plays by the rules is given a fair shot. I will work together with President Obama to continue moving Hawaii and America forward.”