House to vote on Marriage Equality Bill (Nov. 8)


Floor session to be aired live on community television and streamed online

WHO: Hawaii House of Representatives

WHAT: State House Floor Session for third reading vote on SB1 HD1.

SB1 HD1 recognizes marriages between individuals of the same gender. In addition, the measure extends to same-sex couples the same rights, benefits, protections, and responsibilities of marriage to which opposite-sex couples are presently entitled. The bill also expands a religious exemption.

The proceedings will be streamed online at

For the Neighbor Island broadcasts, consult the resources listed below for Capitol TV broadcast and rebroadcast information (programming is at the discretion of the community stations).

* Kauai: Hoike Community Television (, phone 246-1556 (no web-streaming).

* Maui: Akaku: Maui Community Television (, phone 871-5554 (web-streaming available).

* Big Island: Na Leo O Hawaii (, phone 935-8874 or 329-9617 (web-streaming available).

WHEN: 10 a.m. Friday, Nov. 8, 2013

WHERE: Hawaii State Capitol, Honolulu


After roundtable discussions with leaders on both sides of the marriage equality issue, House Sergeant-At-Arms Kevin Kuroda today discussed the operational logistics for Friday’s third reading vote on SB1 HD1 at the State Capitol. At the afternoon press conference, Kuroda was joined by representatives from those in support and opposition of the issue including Lois Perrin (ACLU), and Pastors Wayne Cordeiro (New Hope Oahu) and Allen Cardines (New Hope Nanakuli).

To ensure a safe and fair environment for the public and others, all parties have agreed to share available space within the Capitol Rotunda, inside the House Gallery, and along Beretania Street.

Capitol Rotunda: Supporters of marriage equality will have a dedicated zone on the mauka side while opponents of marriage equality will have a dedicated zone on the makai side.

House Gallery: The gallery will be evenly split down the middle with an equal allocation of space for both sides. There will be entrances open on each side of the gallery for the public to enter their respective chamber seating areas.

Beretania Street: Sign-waving space will be divided among both groups. Supporters of marriage equality will be on both sides of Beretania Street from the Damien statue towards Downtown while opponents of the marriage equality will be on both sides of Beretania from the Damien statue towards Punchbowl Street.