The Friends of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park hosts its next volunteer forest restoration project 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 28
Sept. 28 is National Public Lands Day. FHVNP will be joining the park and the Ocean View Community Association in controlling fountain grass along roadways in Hawaii Ocean View Estates (HOVE).
Fountain grass increases fire potential, and the park is working to prevent its spread in HOVE and keep it from establishing in the Kahuku unit. Learn about the problems of fountain grass and its safe control from a member of the park’s Natural Resources Management team.
Volunteers will be driving the roads of HOVE looking for fountain grass along the roadside, with 2-3 people per vehicle. Volunteers who can drive their own vehicle will be helpful. The roads in HOVE are paved.
For those coming from Volcano and the east side who would like to car-pool, meet at the Kilauea Visitors Center. There will be some space available in park vehicles.
Volunteers should be at least 12 years old, and able to walk up to a mile along roadways and rough roadsides. Sturdy walking shoes and long pants and are required, along with gear for variable weather conditions (be prepared for sun or rain with a hat, raincoat, sunscreen, etc.) plus drinking water and a lunch.
Pre-registration is required. All participants will need to sign a Friends release form and a park volunteer form. For those under 18, an adult will need to co-sign.
Those interested in volunteering, contact Patty Kupchak at or (808) 352-1402 by Monday, Sept. 23. Include your first and last name, email address and a phone number.
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