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Waimea Middle School ‘Gear Up’ prepares students for Aug. 5


Families of Waimea Middle School (WMS) 6th to 8th grade students are invited to campus any day next week Monday, July 29, through Friday, Aug. 2 for “Gear Up” to pick up their child’s class schedule, purchase mandatory student uniforms, pay fees as needed for bus, food service, yearbook, class dues and student activities and to sign up for free after school Homework Help+ and athletics.

“Gear Up” hours are from 7:15 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday and Thursday; 7:15 a.m. to 6 p.m., Wednesday and Friday; and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tuesday.

WMS school year starts 7:55 a.m., Mon., Aug. 5. WMS will begin its class day five minutes earlier this school year. The first bell will ring at 7:50 a.m. and students are expected to be in class at 7:55 a.m.

If not in class by this time, students must report to the office for a tardy note. Families and students are asked to be on time for school beginning the very first day. Every minute of class time is critical and late arrivals are disruptive to lessons.

School registration procedures:

While no pre-registration is required for students moving from Waimea Elementary School to WMS, families with students transferring into WMS from any other school must come to campus as soon as possible to complete necessary registration procedures. This includes academic placement tests for incoming students.

Student safety:

This year, the one-way gravel entry drive on the back (or south) side of the WMS campus will again be used to maximize student safety during peak morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up.

All drop-offs and pick-ups must take place at the cafeteria to improve student safety. Families are asked to continue to exercise extreme caution when driving on campus – observing the 5 mph speed – to optimize student safety.

Manditory uniforms:

At WMS, uniforms are a daily requirement, but purchasing new uniform t-shirts is not essential. Students may wear the Pa’ahana or Waimea pu’u uniform shirts from prior years.  Other uniforms from past years may no longer be worn and special shirts for athletics, K(Arts), East Coast Travel, etc. also may not be worn in lieu of uniform shirts.

Price for uniform t-shirts for the 2013-2014 school year is $8 each. A package of five uniform t-shirts for $35.  Included in the five-pack are two royal blue and two gray Pa’ahana shirts and a black shirt featuring the scenic pu’u (hills) of Waimea.

Free Homework Help+:

Families coming to “Gear Up” also are urged to sign up their child for free Homework Help+ (tutoring), which runs from 2:25 to 3:25 p.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays, beginning Aug. 20.

All students participating in Homework Help+ enjoy free healthy snacks.  Bus transportation also is provided for tutoring students on the same basis as when provided after the regular school day.

School supplies:

WMS families can pick up a School Supply list when they come to campus. The list can also be downloaded from the school’s website:

Student planner, emergency contact cards, free/reduced lunch applications, etc.:

Every student will receive a complete information packet on opening day to take home to his/her family. This includes a Student Planner, a Family Emergency Contact Card, and an application for Free/Reduced Lunch, etc.

Students are expected to bring their Student Planner with them to school every single day and share it with family members each evening to track progress.

Breakfast and lunch menus:

Menus will be sent home to families on opening day and are also posted on the school website.

Find out more:

887-6090 Ext. 222


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