The exciting escapades of catching a Jack P. Russell


When this adventurous pup slips away, Kayla and her grandfather won’t give up the search in a new book by a Big Island author.

“A timeless story has the power to captivate the heart of both young and old. Taking a tale, no pun intended, and turning it into a teachable moment is like kindling the perfect fire that warms even the toughest of spirits,” author Kim McCarty said.

In “Jack P. Russell, Where Are You?” a clever little dog leads Kayla and Grandpa Hollister on a hunt all over town. Jack, the wily dog, slips in and out of the silliest hiding places keeping everyone, including the reader, looking for clues to his whereabouts.

An excerpt from “Jack P. Russell, Where Are You?”:

“‘Pinkleys is the last stop on the block’ declared Miss Doris, the town’s famous country cook. ‘That ole Jack’s a witty little thing. He’s probably home right now pestering those rabbits like he does. Now come on in and get warmed up. I’m not taking no for an answer. I’ve got some hot chocolate and a stack of macadamia nut pancakes just wait’n for ya.’”

McCarty, principal of Haili Christian School, lives with her husband Paul and children in Kurtistown.

Softcover | 8.5 x 11 in | 32 pages | ISBN 9781468524437

Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble

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