Two Waimea Middle School family members have been elected to serve on the school’s Local Advisory Panel (LAP) and will be introduced at the next meeting 4:30-6:30 p.m. Monday, March 25 in Classroom K-04.
Students, families, faculty, staff and community friends are invited and there is time set aside at the start of the meeting for comments, suggestions and concerns from all in attendance.
Chairing the meeting will be Dr. Kamana Beamer.
New LAP parent reps include Timothy Beneski, who is the father a WMS seventh grade student and two eighth grade students. He is a teacher at Hawaii Preparatory Academy who has worked in education for more than 20 years.
“Despite working in private, independent schools, I believe public education is the cornerstone of a democracy. Also, I have been very involved as an educator in curriculum development and did my student teaching in a middle school. We also have 3 sons in public schools so I have a lot of experience with how schools work best — as both a teacher and parent,†Beneski said.
The second new parent rep is Daniel I. Gomez, the father of a WMS seventh grade student, who also is a psychiatric social worker with the state Department of Health.
He said he wanted to serve on LAP “to support my son’s school and serve the community, working within a team of people willing to lead our school.â€
Gomez was involved in WMS as a community member when the school first voted to become a public charter school in 2003. He is excited about becoming involved again, this time as a parent. He has lived in Hawaii 30 years and his wife also is involved in education — as a teacher, both with DOE and private schools.
The WMS LAP is comprised of representatives of all of the school’s stakeholder groups including students, family members, certificated faculty, classified staff, administrative leadership, community leaders and partners, and representatives of Hookakoo Corp., the public charter school’s not-for-profit local school board.
For further information, call WMS Principal Matt Horne (887-6090 Ext. 225).
The LAP meeting agenda is available at
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