Get informed, get involved, get connected


The Hawaii State Senate is encouraging citizens to continuously get informed, get involved and get connected. There are many resources available on the web that citizens can access right at their fingertips.

Social Media

Get connected with the Senate and Senate Majority on our various Social Media platforms including: Majority Caucus Blog, Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, and YouTube.

The Hawaii Senate currently has five Twitter accounts, including four committees:






To follow any or all of the Hawaii Senate twitter accounts, simply go to the specified account and click the “Follow” button.

Hawaii Senate Majority Facebook “Like” Page:

The Hawaii Senate Majority Facebook page is open to the public and features the work of the Senate Majority and its members. The page includes photos, videos, press releases, and more.

Hawaii Senate Majority Website:

A link to the Hawaii Senate Majority Caucus website can be found on the Senate page of the Hawaii State Legislature’s website.

Official Senator Accounts

You may have noticed social media icons next to a handful of Senators’ photos on the member selection page of the Hawaii Senate Website as well as their member page. These members are among the first Senators to have official Senator social media accounts.

Hawaii State Legislature’s Website

The Hawaii State Legislature’s website is the key portal for those wishing to get informed and involved in the legislative process. Some of the information and features of the site include: contact information for current members of the Senate and House of Representatives, bill and resolution text and current status information, a list of upcoming committee hearings, informational briefings, status updates of bills, resolutions, committee reports, vetoes, acts, and other documents. There is also a way to submit testimony online.

Public Access Room

The Legislature’s Public Access Room (PAR) is located on the fourth floor of the State Capitol, with knowledgeable and friendly staff to assist and educate citizens about participating in the legislative process.

Staff assistance is available in person (Room 401, State Capitol Building), by phone (808) 587-0478, and by email (