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Needs assessment of persons with disabilities, employment


Employment – even in the best economic times – is challenging for persons with disabilities.

The most recent data shows that the employment rate of working-age people (ages 21 to 64) with disabilities in Hawaii was 40 percent in 2011. The percentage of working-age people with disabilities working full- time/full-year in 2011 was only 26.3 percent.

Do you or someone you know have a disability? Do you need help finding or keeping employment due to a disability?

Hawaii Division of Vocational Rehabilitation and the State Rehabilitation Council invite you to participate in a needs assessment.

Hawaii Division of Vocational Rehabilitation is a state-federal program for individuals with disabilities who require assistance to prepare for, secure, retain or regain employment.

The purpose of the needs assessment is to gather input about the employment needs of people with disabilities. You can participate by joining a meeting via telephone or webinar, complete a survey, or read and share on a blog.

Webinars and teleconferences will be held on the following dates and times:

* 10-11:30 a.m., Saturday, March 9

* 10-11:30 a.m., Friday, March 15

* 5:30-7 p.m., Monday, March 18

If you would like to participate in a webinar or teleconference, select a date and register at:

To participate by filling out an online survey, visit:

To read and add comments to the 2013 Needs Assessment blog, visit:

If you have questions or require auxiliary aids or accommodations due to a disability, contact staff at (808) 592-5900 or email Neighbor island residents can call 1-866-447-9023 toll free.

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