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Konawaena students recognize ‘Blackout Meth Day’

(Photo courtesy of Hawaii Meth Project)

(Photo courtesy of Hawaii Meth Project)

Hawaii 24/7 Staff

In conjunction with National Drug Facts Week (Jan. 28-Feb. 3), the Hawaii Meth Project and it’s Teen Advisory Council member Mahealani Yoshida hosted “Blackout Meth Day” on Wednesday, Jan. 30 at Konawaena High School to raise awareness about the “Not Even Once” message.

Students staged a lunch rally in the Flagpole Courtyard where they signed and added their handprints to a large-scale pledge against meth, learned about the dangers of this drug, and participated in anti-meth games and activities.

Representatives of student government also walked around to taking photos, collected petition signatures, and handed out wristbands. After school, students from Konawaena High School and Konawaena Middle School participated in a sign waving along Konawaena School Road.

— Find out more:

(Photo courtesy of Hawaii Meth Project)

(Photo courtesy of Hawaii Meth Project)

(Photo courtesy of Hawaii Meth Project)

(Photo courtesy of Hawaii Meth Project)

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