Hawaii residents are invited to see how the Legislature conducts its business at the Hawaii State Capitol building via streaming video at public libraries statewide, thanks to a continuing partnership between the Hawaii State Public Library System (HSPLS) and the Hawaii State Capitol.
Residents will be able to watch webcasting of legislative hearings, meetings, and sessions.
“We are delighted to continue offering this unique service that will benefit both our patrons and other constituents of our legislators,” State Librarian Richard Burns said.
During the legislative session, walk-in patrons may visit their local library and access the Legislature’s proceedings through designated “Legislative Webcast” computers.
These computers will have a one-hearing time limit and are muted so patrons should bring their own headphones.
Patrons can select from either House or Senate streaming webcasts and watch the Legislative hearings, meetings, and sessions. Two or more people may view the webcasts at the same time if space permits.
Patrons should place a reservation in advance to view the Legislative webcasts. Patrons without library cards may also view the webcasts.
Contact library staff for assistance.
The new library computers for viewing the Legislative webcasts are provided by Hawaii’s Access for All Grant through the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program, funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, and leveraged with Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Opportunity Online funds.
Matching funds are provided by the Friends of the Library of Hawaii, the Omidyar Ohana Fund, through the Hawaii Community Foundation, and the Alexander & Baldwin Foundation.
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