Legislative hearing on foster family support payments (Jan. 29)


State payments to support Hawaii’s foster children have been frozen for the past 22 years, and Hawaii foster parents will ask state lawmakers to finally increase those payments at a hearing by the Senate Committee on Human Services on Tuesday, Jan. 28.

“It has been 22 years since the state increased the basic foster board payments that reimburse resource caregivers, also known as foster families,” said Linda Santos, President and CEO of the non-profit organization Family Programs Hawaii.

“We know that resource families today must often use their own funds to provide foster children with the basics. It is crucial to provide better support to both these children and the families who care for them,” Santos said.

Senate Human Resources Chair Suzanne Chun Oakland introduced Senate Bill 59 to instruct Department of Human Services to increase the foster board payments.

A similar bill was introduced in the House of Representatives by House Human Services Chair Mele Carroll.

The hearing is 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 28 in State Capitol conference room 016.