HSTA statement regarding negotiations, proposal

Statement from Hawaii State Teachers Association President Wil Okabe regarding negotiations and HSTA proposal to state, dated Jan. 11:

The Hawaii State Teachers Association and the State returned to the bargaining table. HSTA came to the table with a proposal based on an honest assessment of where the Educator Effectiveness System currently stands and a compensation package that reflects what the State has committed to other public service workers. HSTA also took into consideration the current and projected economic forecast for the State of Hawaii.

Based on our findings, HSTA sees the opportunity for Hawaii to be the leader in creating an education model that could lend itself to being used, nationwide. In collaboration with the Department of Education, HSTA wants to ensure the system both supports and sustains teachers and provides them the opportunities to become stronger, better teachers for our students.

HSTA believes that a fair and effective evaluation system benefits the profession, the professionals and most importantly the students.

HSTA proposed to the State that we work collaboratively for an extra year with the Pilot Program, so that we may build the system right. This will include that we revisit with the State, each year, the performance of the EES to make adjustments according to our findings.

Not only is this a solid way to build a truly effective system, it is at the heart of how good teaching works. This is going to affect students’ learning environments and teachers’ working environments for years to come.

Just as Hawaii’s teachers are open to working with the DOE in producing a truly effective evaluation system, teachers are willing to work with the DOE in securing funds from legislation to bring teachers the wages that reflect the value of the teaching profession. This is about fairness and equity.

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