The Puna Pono Alliance invites the general public to attend another exciting and informational Community Meeting 6:30-8:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 29 at the Akebono Theatre, 15-2942 Pahoa Village Road, Pahoa.
The focus of this meeting will be to discuss protecting Puna from further geothermal exploitation and industrialization.
Speakers include:
* Palikapu Dedman, president of The Pele Defense Fund will speak on the impact of geothermal development on Hawaiian Religious Beliefs and Cultural Practices, Act 55, and some of the other issues we are facing.
* Harry Kim, former mayor and long time civil defense director, will talk about Act 97 which repealed the geothermal sub zones and stripped the county of geothermal permitting. All permits to drill are now granted by the state; the county has been taken out of the loop. Kim will explain what that means and how it affects us.
The Puna Pono Alliance is investigating how this can be repealed or changed so that the community protection given in the establishment of the sub zones can be restored.
Kim will also speak on Act 55 – what’s happening with the PLDC and what the community of greater Hawaii can do about this.
* Dominic Yagong, current Chairman of the Hawaii County Council will speak on Bill 292 the Drilling Ordinance, the health study proposal he put forward at Puna Pono Alliance request, the PLDC, and the importance of home rule for the county.
* Sydney Singer, a medical anthropologist will speak about the health impacts of Low Frequency Noise and Vibro-acoustic Disease and how geothermal may be involved.
For more information, contact Barb Cuttance at 339-4344 or
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