The 38th Annual Parker Ranch Round-Up Club Rodeo will lasso in two days of rodeo events Saturday, Sept. 1 and Sunday, Sept. 2 at the Parker Ranch Rodeo Arena in Waimea.
The action-packed weekend is held annually as a fundraiser to provide scholarships for school-age children of Parker Ranch employees.
Family-style fun begins at noon Saturday with rodeo events which may include everything from dally team roping and double mugging, po’o wai u to saddle bronc, bull riding, junior bull riding, Wahine barrel racing, Wahine steer undecorating, and more.
Always fun and exciting to watch is the mutton busting (keiki sheep riding) and the crowd is always on its feet for the keiki barrel racing for participants 12 & under.
On Sunday, the Round-Up Club, in partnership with Parker Ranch is hosting a live auction for Parker Ranch quarter horses. Come at 9 a.m. to view the horses.
Following the morning slack, participate in the auction and purchase a Parker Ranch horse. For non-riders, come and experience the fast pace of a Ranch horse auction. Purchase a gate ticket to attend the auction.
Sunday’s rodeo action begins again at high noon with more excitement throughout the afternoon. Ono (delicious) food and refreshments will be available both days with on-going events lasting until 4 p.m.
Tickets are $5 per person in advance from the Parker Ranch Store at the Parker Ranch Center and at the Parker Ranch Headquarters in Waimea or $6 at the gate on rodeo days. Children 10 and under are free.
For more information, call 808-885-7311. All proceeds from ticket sales benefit scholarship recipients.
Parker Ranch, founded in 1847, is Home of the Paniolo and has more than 160 years of Paniolo heritage. The ranch, among the largest and most historic ranches in the U.S., surrounds the town of Waimea and spans 130,000 acres across the island between the Kohala Mountains and Mauna Kea.
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