6.2M earthquake offshore Mexico, no tsunami advisory issued for Hawaii




Saturday, January 21, 2012 at 18:47:15 UTC

Saturday, January 21, 2012 at 12:47:15 PM at epicenter

Saturday, January 21, 2012 at 8:47:15 AM HST


14.959°N, 93.107°W


66.1 km (41.1 miles)




57 km (35 miles) SSW (203°) from Mapastepec, Chiapas, Mexico

72 km (44 miles) WSW (253°) from Huixtla, Chiapas, Mexico

82 km (51 miles) S (172°) from Pijijiapan, Chiapas, Mexico

89 km (55 miles) W (274°) from Tapachula, Chiapas, Mexico

281 km (174 miles) W (278°) from GUATEMALA CITY, Guatemala

USGS: How large does an earthquake have to be to cause a tsunami?

Magnitudes below 6.5

Earthquakes of this magnitude are very unlikely to trigger a tsunami.

Magnitudes between 6.5 and 7.5

Earthquakes of this size do not usually produce destructive tsunamis. However, small sea level changes may be observed in the vicinity of the epicenter. Tsunamis capable of producing damage or casualties are rare in this magnitude range but have occurred due to secondary effects such as landslides or submarine slumps.

Magnitudes between 7.6 and 7.8

Earthquakes of this size may produce destructive tsunamis especially near the epicenter; at greater distances small sea level changes may be observed. Tsunamis capable of producing damage at great distances are rare in the magnitude range.

Magnitude 7.9 and greater

Destructive local tsunamis are possible near the epicenter, and significant sea level changes and damage may occur in a broader region.

Note that with a magnitude 9.0 earthquake, the probability of an aftershock with a magnitude exceeding 7.5 is not negligible. To date, the largest aftershock recorded has been magnitude 7.1 that did not produce a damaging tsunami.