FEMA flood insurance maps available

Hawaii 24/7 Staff

FEMA has issued preliminary Digital Flood Insurance Rate Maps (DFIRMs) and a revised Flood Insurance Study (FIS) for the Big Island that will indicate whether individual properties might be subject to flooding.

FEMA provides a 90-day appeal period on the preliminary maps, which ends Jan. 12, 2012. After that period, new or revised flood elevations (called Based Flood Elevations or BFEs) are proposed.

The appeal period allows residents to submit data or documentation indicating the BFEs are scientifically or technically incorrect to the county Department of Public Works.

When FEMA receives an appeal, it suspends further processing of the DFIRM and FIS until the appeal is resolved.

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* Results of the Kona and Puna Flood Studies are not included in the preliminary digital flood insurance rate maps for Hawaii County. View the preliminary DFIRMs, visit the Flood Hazard Assessment Tool (FHAT) at: www.hidlnr.org/eng/nfip/