Dramatiques show most successful yet

"Sleeping" Snow White with the Seven Dwarfs (and her other forest friends Tillie the Turtle (Sean Dunnington), Bunny and Bonnie (Thomas Baldwin & Kieran Najita), King Absent Minded (Jesse Tarnas), Prince Goodhearted (Elliot Jacobson) (Photo courtesy of Parker School)


Parker School’s grades 6-12 drama group, Dramatiques, staged a production of ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs of the Black Forest’ last weekend at the Parker School Theatre.

The players enjoyed the highest attendance overall so far for a fall production. Friday night’s performance played to a full house.

The play, by June Walker Rogers, is a comedic take on the traditional Grimm Brothers’ fairy tale.

“This production was incredibly fun to put together. We all shared so much laughter throughout the rehearsals and performances,” said director Maren Oom who is director of fine arts at Parker School.

Junior Olivia Armandroff played Snow White, with senior Desiree Ashley as the evil Queen Bella, and senior Jesse Tarnas as King Absent Minded.

The play was written specifically for young audiences, but carried humor throughout that appealed to adults and children both.

Several small girls in the audience were spotted sporting “princess” dresses; one was even dressed as Snow White.

Oom said, “I wouldn’t mind staging a classic tale of this sort every fall. The characters, costumes and set design in these tales lead me back to childhood memories of pretend play and my mother reading fairy tales from beautifully illustrated books. I love remembering my experiences as a child and tapping into that magic as a director to bring an enjoyable experience to the families in our audiences.”

Ninth grader Sean Dunnington, who played the part of Tillie the Turtle, one of Snow White’s forest friends, said, “I have never participated in anything so hilarious. This play had such an enormous magical feeling to it and I am so honored to have played Tillie The Turtle. Just the costumes and make up were so much fun to work with. Everyone did such a good job and worked so well. It was definitely a wonderful experience. As Snow White said in the play, ‘now we really are one big happy family.’”